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Part 1:

BuildWith Webinar via Zoom

Thursday, February 23rd, 2023

Part 2:

Business to Business Matchmaking Event

Thursday, March 2nd 2023

Our theme for this year is “Building Inclusion for All” with a focus on the construction industry.


B2B Matchmaking is pre-assigned matchmaking opportunities for prime contractors (“Prime”) and subcontractors. We will compare the NAICS industry codes the Primes are looking for to the NAICS codes  that the Subcontrator company provides subcontracting for, in order to get the best match for all parties. You will have approximately 10 minutes with each Prime that you are “matched with.”  In order to register please fill out the appropriate form for your company:


If you are interested in being a Prime:



If you re interested in being a Subcontractor:



This event is a City-sponsored, City-approved event that MAY qualify a prime contractor to receive an attendance waiver letter to a Non-mandatory Pre-bid/Pre-submittal meeting for contracting opportunities with BIP Outreach requirements that include at least one of the matching NAICS codes of the subcontractors they met with in the Matchmaking Room.  The waiver letter may be used to fulfill BIP Indicator Criteria 2.

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Free Webinar

FEBRUARY 24, 2022


10:00-11:30 AM Thursday, February 24, 2022 - Webinar 

Join us at the FREE 6th Annual AccessingLA Buildwith webinar, the first of this year's AccessingLA events. Register for the webinar* at See attached flyer.  *Registering for the webinar does not include matchmaking participation

  • Get information on major upcoming construction opportunities of the City of LA

  • Learn about developments in Community Level Contracting

  • Hear about Best Practices in submitting bid/proposal submission 


1:30 - 2:30 PM Thursday, February 24, 2022 - Matchmaking Business-to-Business

Subcontractor Matchmaking Application: Read the information below before applying at 


Prime Contractor Matchmaking Room Application: Read the information below before applying at

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Join the Board of Public works and the Bureau of Contract Administration, in collaboration with the Mayor's Office, for the 7th annual Accessing LA TeamWith 2022. This annual Professional and Personal Services networking

event is part of the Celebration  of National Public Works Weeks and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. 



May 19th, 2022 10:00 AM!

Register today at the link below:

Apply for your spot as a Koi Pond Presenter and become our next featured Koi Pond Winner~


Application Closes:  May 8th, 2022





What is Koi Pond?


Koi Pond is an exclusive feature of  AccessingLA TeamWith.  Chosen applicants from Personal/Professional Service firms and nonprofit organizations will give a 2-minute business pitch to a virtual audience on how they will promote diversity, equity, and inclusion and/or provide employment opportunities to transitional workers.  They will receive instant feedback from an executive panel.The application period closed on May 9, 2022. 


Learn, Adapt, and Evolve 

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2021   10:00 AM

The Board of Public Works and Bureau of Contract Administration present the 2021 Accessing L.A. RiseWith Virtual Event in partnership with the Mayor’s Offices of Budget and Innovation and Economic Development, the Economic & Workforce Development Department, and The Valley Economic Alliance.


This event will focus on the City of Los Angeles’ continued efforts to equip businesses with the tools and resources to learn, evolve and thrive in an ever-changing business environment. RiseWith is organized as part of the celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month.



Find out more about City of Los Angeles programs and resources that have pivoted during the pandemic to continue providing services to you. Gain information from City Departments and stakeholders about best practices and upcoming opportunities.



Get updates on the new Los Angeles Business Assistance Virtual Network platform and how it has evolved to better meet your needs. Hear about how the City’s bid preference programs have been revamped to support local businesses.  



Become equipped with practical tools that can help you adapt to the digital marketplace and maximize your business online through a presentation on the L.A. Optimized Accelerator Academy. Get useful tips to develop and grow a successful business.


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Accessing LA is the flagship contracting and business networking event of the City of Los Angeles.  In lieu of the in-person outreach event, virtual events will be held to share information and resources on how to do business with the City.


The most recent event was held on May 19-20, 2021. The Board of Public Works & Bureau of Contract Administration, in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office holds this annual Professional & Personal Services networking event is part of the celebration of National Public Works Week and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. This LIVE  free 2-part virtual event was open to all.


Explore the recording links to this and past events.

 May 19-20, 2021 - FREE Admission
A 2-Part Virtual Event
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM 

Prime Perspective and Community Level Contracting 

Watch and learn from the perspectives of guest Prime Contractors (TetraTech, HNTB Corporation, MARRS Corp and TY Lin International) on how they outreach to subcontractors and practices to meet their diversity and equity goals. 


Get updates on developments in Community Level Contracting .

Thursday, May 20, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM 

Koi Pond

You are enjoined to listen to Koi Pond finalists give a business pitch.  Pick up a few pointers on how you could brush up your elevator speech from the instant feedback that the finalists would receive from an executive panel.





All are welcome to tune in and have the option to interact, ask questions, network with each other and key leaders in the 5 breakout rooms  in these industries: Architecture, Engineering, IT, Marketing, Women-owned Businesses


Breakout Room Facilitators:


City of Los Angeles City General Managers and Executives 

  • Bureau of Engineering

  • Information Technology Agency

  • Bureau of Sanitation

  • Department of Water & Power

County of Los Angeles - Public Works​

US Department of Labor

Geosyntec Consultants

Gruen Associates

HNTB Architecture



Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services


Mott MacDonald

Murakawa Communications

NAC Architecture



Tetra Tech

TY Lin International

Wicked Bionic

What is Koi Pond?

Breakout Room Interactive Networking

Koi Pond is an exclusive feature of  AccessingLA TeamWith.  Chosen applicants from Personal/Professional Service firms and nonprofit organizations will give a 2-minute business pitch to a virtual audience on how they will promote workforce equity and/or provide employment opportunities to transitional workers.  They will receive instant feedback from an executive panel.The application period closed on May 10, 2021. 

Prime Perspective and Community Level Contracting 

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